Articles by: ccarthern

The Power of the Black Dollar

Recall that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus and if a white person boarded the bus and they were the only black in a seat then the law was that they had to give up their seat to the white person.  We as consumers have power.  Never forget why the Montgomery Bus Boycott was successful.  Blacks accounted for approximately 40,000 bus riders which was 75% of the city’s bus riders.  They wanted black drivers, segregation laws and a first-come, first-seat policy.  They made sacrifices to sustain the boycott.  They […]

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The Black Experience in Corporate America

Black people make up 13.4% of the US population, but only 3.3% of all US corporate executive or senior leadership roles were held by Blacks in 2018. Data taken from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Only FOUR, less than 1%, of the current Fortune 500 CEOs are Black and ZERO are women. Corporate American has been failing black America for centuries. This is a form of systemic racism. There are talented non-white men that […]

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The Delvin Cox Experience Interview

Tony Aaron II and I had the opportunity to be special guests on the Delvin Cox Experience Podcast.  Check out the interview to hear about social justice and Kamala Harris’s VP nomination.  

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Rajawongse Custom Bangkok Tailor

If you are looking for a custom tailor in Bangkok then look no further than Victor and Jesse at Rajawongse.  Victor’s shop was recommended to me by a co-worker and said they were the best.  They stand by their quality and I was given a certificate for a free hand-made shirt and pants.  I knew then any tailor that would do this for free must be good and rely on the quality of their product […]

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Discrimination Against Black Natural Hair

Systemic racism runs deep. Especially in corporate America where they can use something as simple as black hairstyles to discriminate against us. The year was 2006 and I was about to graduate college. I was forced to make a decision. Cut my afro that I had been growing for 4 years in order to conform to white society norms or risk not getting hired out of college. I chose to cut my hair. This was […]

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International Online Web Fest Interview

The International Online Web Fest (IOWF) in which Triggers is nominated for 6 awards including, , started a new live show called “The IOWF Hub.”  Tony Aaron II and I had the opportunity to be special guests in its first episode.  Check out the interview to hear about our movie, Triggers, about gun violence and conservative politics.      

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Triggers Now Available on YouTube

Here is the 4K link for our new award-winning independent movie Triggers.  It is a social justice movie about gun violence and conservative politics in the age of right-wing media. We’re on the right side of history. Join us.   Synopsis: Peter Shaver, a grieving conservative political candidate running for office in Oklahoma, is making his way to an interview where he is expected to respond publicly for the first time to personal tragedy and recent events […]

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Why Do Black Lives Matter Now?

Something has been bothering me since George Floyd’s murder.  What made this murder enough for white people to finally protest?  Blacks have been telling you about racism in the US forever.  There is this fantasy that since slavery is over and on paper, we are equal and that everything has been fine.  Stop complaining.  You see the statistics and you have even seen the videos but we always face the same questions.  What did the victim […]

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Why Defunding the Police is Only Part of the Solution

What does defunding the police mean? It doesn’t mean abolishing the police.  It simply means moving money from the police and putting into other things that are for citizens wellness. We not only need more body cameras, but we need laws for officers that deliberately turn off their cameras.  What are they trying to hide?  Officers should be forced to intervene when they see officers cross the line or they themselves are complicit.  We need […]

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