Articles by: ccarthern

X-Men Phoenix London Fan Event and MCM London Comic Con

Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited to the X-Men Fan Event in London in which the director and some of the cast had a Q&A panel before we saw some exclusive footage for the upcoming movie.   The Picturehouse Central in London hosted the fan event where stars James McAvoy, Sophie Turner, Jessica Chastain, Michael Fassbender, and director Simon Kinberg attended.   I was invited to the event as a cosplayer.  I was the […]

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Cosplay Alliance Magazine Black History Month Issue

I was lucky enough to have a few photos featured in the Issue of Cosplay Alliance Magazine that is dedicated to black cosplayers. Photos can be seen below. A huge shoutout has to go to one of my best mates in @ugocosplay who is featured in my photos. He is one of the most positive cosplayers I know.

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Shots by Shinobi Cosplay Spotlight: Valkyrie Creative

I first met Helen in her Xena Warrior cosplay which is and still remains the best I have ever seen. Her Star Trek Discovery cosplay group was so good that even the costume designer commented on their photo on Instagram. Her skills working with foam are impressive to say the least. I have been fortunate enough to become friends with her last year and we have had some great times since. She was the first […]

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Marvel Avengers Endgame: Avenge the Fallen

With the Avengers Endgame hype I decided to create my own posters using photos I have been lucky to collaborate with some talented cosplayers.  All of these amazing cosplayers are tagged in these photos on my Instagram and you should follow them all.  The hype for this movie is real.  How are the remaining Avengers going to fix this?  We will know soon enough.      

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Cosplay Realm Women’s Issue

I was lucky enough to have a few photos featured in the Issue of Cosplay Realm Magazine that was dedicated to women cosplayers. Photos can be seen below. This wouldn’t be possible without the talented cosplayers and builders and I am fortunate to work with so much thanks to you all. I full on support equal representation and was glad that there was a Women’s theme.

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MCM Birmingham Dedication to Gideon

I was tagged in a post a few days before MCM Birmingham where a father was requesting cosplayers that were in attendance to send loving messages to his son that couldn’t attend the Con.  Gideon had a brain tumor and recently had brain surgery and was in the hospital.  This crushed me for a few reasons.  First I was really considering not going to the Con because I was feeling not in the Con spirit.  […]

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Shots by Shinobi Cosplay Spotlight: Cosplay Dad UK

I first met Craig while Cosplaying as Yondu as his daughter was cosplaying Rocket at MCM Birmingham about a year ago.  We had already been following each other on the gram.  Since then we have become good friends and been a part of some awesome cosplay group team ups.  We have been lucky enough to share the stage with real life Avengers while cosplaying our favourite characters.  He suited up as Hawkeye.  Hawkeye was obviously […]

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Captain Marvel UK Premiere and Non-Spoiler Review: Brie Larson Kicks Ass

First let me say that this will be a spoiler-free review.I was lucky enough to be invited to the European premier of Captain Marvel in London on February 27, 2019.  I thought it was the movie that Marvel needed as it intends to add more diverse lead characters.  It was a great follow up to the Black Panther film.  As a kid that grew up in the 90s I thoroughly enjoyed all the 90’s feels […]

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28 Days of Black Cosplay

Here we are and in the shortest month of the year which of course is also Black History Month.  With that there have been many campaigns of people posting cosplayers of color with the hashtag #28daysofblackcosplay.  It is awesome that people have decided to celebrate black cosplayers for the month of February and I have done just that also.  Even though comics and such are dominated by white characters the number of color characters are trending upward.  More and […]

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Shots By Shinobi Cosplay Spotlight: Wonder Kat

I first saw Katya as Wonder Woman in an advertisement for MCM London I believe.  I couldn’t believe just how great she looked.  I honestly thought she could be Wonder Woman.  I’m pretty sure Gal Gadot would approve.   I think the next time I saw her and the first time we actually met she was cosplaying Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers and she absolutely smashed it.  To be honest I haven’t seen a cosplay that […]

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